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Collected links

  1. Miles Kimball: “In Praise of Partial Equilibrium
  2. You Draw It (NYT) (Bayrischer Rundfunk). Also, this is great (through Robert Grant).
  3. Does Comey’s Dismissal Fit the Definition of a Constitutional Crisis?” (through Nial Fergusion)
  4. Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham: “Do Credit Markets Watch the Waving Flag of Bankruptcy?” (ssrn)
  5. Roman Cheplyaka: “Convert time interval to number in R”. See the bits of code that all return 10.
  6. Language rules follow usage. (Through Steven Pinker)
  7. The FRED Blog: “Newspapers are still more important than cheese
  8. Justin O’Beirne: “A Year of Google & Apple Maps
  9. Good article (in German) on what Germany should do with its current government surpluses.