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Collected links

  1. FiveThirtyEight: “People are making Super Mario go faster than ever ”. I wonder what these players would say about MarI/O.

  2. Simon Kuper in the FT (if paywalled, google for it) on robots and journalism:

    Don’t make your job your identity.

  3. Some behavioral finance economist should exploit this to study the effect of fake news on the stock market:

  4. The first three points in this post by Olivier Blanchard are an interesting summary of what almost all macroeconomists can agree on. (Through Rüdiger Bachmann)

  5. Bundesbank (in German):

    Verteilungseffekte ein Erkenntnisziel der Geldpolitik, aber kein geldpolitisches Ziel.

  6. Vice: “When tourism turns into narcissism”

    I’m a travel writer, which is shorthand for saying that I’m a work-shy dilettante with an overinflated respect for the value of my own experience.

  7. MIT alumni are going to tech

  8. Literary Hub: “There’s still no word for ‘memoir’ in German publishing” (through Dan Wang)